게시판 상세
SUBJECT lifescrazymoments님의 커버세트 자덴느-그레이 리뷰입니다.
WRITER 크라운구스 (ip:)
  • DATE 2021-12-31
  • 추천 추천하기
  • HIT 83
평점 0점

The thing I think I miss the most about home while we are on vacation is my bed!

Nothing seems to compare to your own bed, and since upgrading our bedding it’s been even harder to leave!

What’s something you miss the most when you leave home?

Our bedding is @crowngoose_usa we have the jardinne collection in autumn gray 🤍 they are the most luxurious duvet sets! Made with 100% cotton.

The thing I think I miss the most about home while we are on vacation is my bed!

Nothing seems to compare to your own bed, and since upgrading our bedding it’s been even harder to leave!

What’s something you miss the most when you leave home?

Our bedding is @crowngoose_usa we have the jardinne collection in autumn gray 🤍 they are the most luxurious duvet sets! Made with 100% cotton.


출처 : https://www.instagram.com/p/CYEinK0L_Cj/

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